Wednesday, January 27, 2010

true - today

- today i woke up at the time i usually leave for work, and i still left the house wearing matching shoes, took the puppy to daycare, went to starbucks and arrived to work ON TIME how so?
- i got lost and ended up on the west side on my way to pilates, which i go to twice a week
- i had no idea the state of the union was on until oscar changed the channel when he was asking me for a piece of popcorn, which was part of my dinner
- i found a gluten free sugar cookie that tastes like a cookie
- i wore black and brown together in an acceptable way

Monday, January 25, 2010


I have several fears; most irrational. Some that keep me awake at night and some that I only think of when I am doing something mundane.

Today my drive to Pilates was consumed by the fear that Nick and I will turn in to a couple that looks alike. Yes, there is a 1 foot height difference, but it could happen. We could start getting the same haircut, sport matching front butts and wind suits...oh it is so possible.

So that I can sleep tonight I am going to use this outlet to vow to Nick and myself that:

-I will never cut my hair short enough to make people at the gym have to look twice to see if it is an awkward teenage boy or an old woman.
- I will never buy or wear reverse fit tapered leg jeans or a wind suit.
- If I grow an Italian old woman mustache I will promptly take care of it.
- I will never buy us matching hoodless sweatshirts, sunglasses or fanny packs.

that may not cover all of the possibilities..

an article discussing this phenomena

Monday, January 18, 2010

christmas is almost down..

the Christmas decorations are almost put away. The fireplace is the first remodel project that we have completed, i will try and find a before and after to show you.

here is our hot mess of a tree; a hodge podge of ornaments that have been given to us put together as best as they could be my Mama Coffey

and of course the seasonal jar. I bought dozens of boxes of LED lights, with the best intentions to decorate the yard but alas we never got to it. We had amazing wreaths on both doors made by Mama C, candles in the front picture windows, and an assortmant of ball ornaments in some of the trees in the front yard.

Thank you Mom for decorating my house against my will, I loved it! Everyone should have an Italian mother, they always know what is best.


to help you get your "GTL" done, I have four seven day passes to 24 hour. They may give you a 5 minute tour the first day but they don't bother you after that. Let me know if you want one.

*and if you know what Bravo show the Lesbian icon above is from you win a prize

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

the confessional

On NPR tonight they were talking about confessions so I thought I would start the year off with some of my own.

1. I listen to NPR
2. when possible I brush my teeth in the shower
3. I hate having anything in my nose...enough said
4. My first job was at a bagel place and I would put tons of cream cheese on the bagel of a "skinny" person and barely any on a "not skinny" persons bagel
5. popcorn is an acceptable meal, especially if you add protein (cheese)
6. sometimes at work (looking back on a bad day) I have more patience with the kids that are cuter, cleaner, and whose parents I like more
7. every time I cut into a piece of meat I am afraid of seeing a vein
8. almost every time my Husband gets on a plane, three times a week, I am sure it is going to be the last time I ever talk to him
9. i am one of those moms that take their baby* to daycare just so they can go to pilates and get a pedicure; and when i do work 6 or 7 hours my baby* is at daycare for 11 or 12 hours
10. I spend most of my day worrying about my next meal and the next time I will go to the bathroom (a side effect of Celiac Disease)
11. according to the BMI chart at the doctors office I am on the border of overweight going into obese
12. I think I am a better driver than Nick
13. I plan on getting copious amounts of Botox and saline after my babies (G_d willing)
14. I watch trashy reality shows
15. The View is on my Tivo list; I like the first ten awkward minutes and then turn it off
16. whenever someone tells me I smell good I am always surprised, I think I just assume that I still sweat like I did during puberty and my natural deodorant has failed me

that is enough for now, Teen Mom is starting

Katie, Joni, and Lisa I hope this has entertained you for a few! PiPhiLove

*my furry, four-legged baby Oscar, if it was possible I would take him everywhere in a sling and breast feed him

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