On NPR tonight they were talking about confessions so I thought I would start the year off with some of my own.
1. I listen to NPR
2. when possible I brush my teeth in the shower
3. I hate having anything in my nose...enough said
4. My first job was at a bagel place and I would put tons of cream cheese on the bagel of a "skinny" person and barely any on a "not skinny" persons bagel
5. popcorn is an acceptable meal, especially if you add protein (cheese)
6. sometimes at work (looking back on a bad day) I have more patience with the kids that are cuter, cleaner, and whose parents I like more
7. every time I cut into a piece of meat I am afraid of seeing a vein
8. almost every time my Husband gets on a plane, three times a week, I am sure it is going to be the last time I ever talk to him
9. i am one of those moms that take their baby* to daycare just so they can go to pilates and get a pedicure; and when i do work 6 or 7 hours my baby* is at daycare for 11 or 12 hours
10. I spend most of my day worrying about my next meal and the next time I will go to the bathroom (a side effect of Celiac Disease)
11. according to the BMI chart at the doctors office I am on the border of overweight going into obese
12. I think I am a better driver than Nick
13. I plan on getting copious amounts of Botox and saline after my babies (G_d willing)
14. I watch trashy reality shows
15. The View is on my Tivo list; I like the first ten awkward minutes and then turn it off
16. whenever someone tells me I smell good I am always surprised, I think I just assume that I still sweat like I did during puberty and my natural deodorant has failed me
that is enough for now, Teen Mom is starting
Katie, Joni, and Lisa I hope this has entertained you for a few! PiPhiLove
*my furry, four-legged baby Oscar, if it was possible I would take him everywhere in a sling and breast feed him