Tuesday, July 21, 2009

regularly scheduled

whoa..i never really reveal that much in blog posts, unless it is about my g.i. tract. i sometimes write serious blog posts in my head but never actually post them. this post will be more what we are use to.

*Someone in my fam sent me this picture because of my need to reduce, reuse, recycle, re-purpose.

*I just finally let Oscar back in the house, earlier this morning I saw him rolling in something gross, just a pile of earth worms, so i gave him a hose bath. I thought he might be dry so i unhooked him and instead of him running into the house he ran to the neighbors I ran inside to get a banana to coax him back i get back outside and he is running like a bat out of h and the neighbor is saying he has the bear. Oscar runs back into their house with the babys favorite bear and i see that she has friends over for a playgroup this reminds me that i am in my pj's. I finally get the bear away and he takes another stuffed animal, i get that away and as we gracefully leave a mother (a neighbor i have yet to meet) says say bye to the dog to her baby in her arms and oscar barks right at him causing said baby to start bawling.


Jenn Coffey July 24, 2009 at 11:02 PM  

hahah! Dad sent me that too!
and oscar is a bad boyyy!

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