Monday, January 12, 2009

out of the mouth of babes 3

said to a 4 yr old boy from south africa "i am going to south africa soon" .. "i am going to the bathroom"

3 yr old girl while falling asleep for nap " kristin i pooped today"
me "thats great, i am so glad"
3 yr old "it was a school of fish poop"
me, nervously "what is a school of fish poop?"
3 yr old "when all the poops are wittle but close together and there are lots of them in the water, like a school of fish on planet earth"
me "of course"

at the end of 2 yr old math class "would you like a stamp....which one?"
2 1/2 yr old boy "OBAMA stamp"
"i don't have an Obama stamp, how about the star stamp?"
"OBAMA like it?"
"i think so"
"on tv they say OBAMA!"
ok...that one i guess you had to be there but every time he said OBAMA he did so in a low and loud voice with his eyebrows down and fists over his head

after that flop i'll stop now the rest is mostly had to be there or 2, 3, and 4 yr olds swearing

out of the mouth of babes 1


Jenn Coffey January 13, 2009 at 3:41 PM  

I love these the make my day!

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