Wednesday, July 9, 2008

you can skip reading this post...i will not be offended!

this little 3.7 lbs of fluff is the only thing happening in our lives right now, so you get to hear tons about him! i won't be offended if you stop reading now, i want to write things down so i can remember them and at the off chance that someone may care enough to read about him.

* within the first day he made himself a little fort in the corner under the kitchen table, he takes things he finds there and things he wants to hide from us like his leash, and whenever he knows he has done something "not ok" he runs there and just looks at us! and if you ever move anything in his "house" or his crate he notices it right away and moves it back to where it was! even when i move his blankets he goes straight to putting them back!

*he is very smart! on walks he poops on sewer grates so that i don't have to pick anything up!

* after only a week he is having very few accidents and only going to the bathroom where he is suppose to go; except when he is locked in the bathroom with us while we are getting ready and he sees us go to the toilet... he goes! frustrating, because it is the one time i can not jump up and stop him, but just another reason he is so smart!

* he is an attention magnet! we can not get a block without 4-5 people asking about him or picking him up...without asking!! most people are so rude, even when i am on the phone they ask me questions about him and go on and on and on! i worry about nick walking him alone and the girls flocking all around him, i almost want him to leave his phone at home just in case he has a brain lapse!

* he is a money leach! after just two weeks he is worth $380 a pound! walking home from the Viagra triangle last friday a man offered us $200 in cash for him and we just laughed at him!

* as of last night he is no longer a boy, he is becoming a man! on our way home from the vet yesterday we stopped at a pet store and he fell in love with this pillow toy that is bigger then him, after he threw it around and knawed on it all night he got to knoow it! i was shocked and nick just laughed!

* he has done many more funny things and has brought such fun into our house! he has taught nick to play more and spend less time on his laptop. his nightly wake ups have reminded us that we are not ready for a baby! and he has taught nick, in his own words, patience and more patience!


Amy W July 10, 2008 at 10:42 PM  

I just wanted to say hi. I am not a dog lover at all but your post is funny and he is cute as long as I only have to see him in pictures. :)

Dani July 14, 2008 at 4:45 PM  

OMG! He is the cutest thing in the whole world!! And the name!! WOW! Oscar Marley Coffey Macey, perfection!!

Congrats you guys!!

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