Friday, September 19, 2008

Oscar the Wolf Dog

Oscar's Father

The other night I got home before Kristin. I let Oscar out, and he was immediately confused. Why was I here so early? What did I want? Why did my fingers taste so delicious?

Kristin was at a birthday party for a co-worker, and wouldn't be home for a little while. I took Oscar for a walk and then we came home and played. The blinds were shut, except for a small hole (about 6" wide maybe) that was open the whole way from the bottom to the top.

About 45 minutes after we got home, Oscar trotted over to that hole in the blinds, sat down on his rear legs and started howling - like a wolf. I tried to stop him but nothing would console him for at least another 10 minutes.

That was the first time Oscar has done that. I am now convinced that Oscar is part wolf. It makes too much sense not to believe.


K September 19, 2008 at 9:19 PM  

he was calling me home! and as much as that wolf looks like it could be oscar's father he is many generations removed!

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