Thursday, June 17, 2010

our little p

Before husband checks his google reader and tells me that everyone is going to think I don't love our little 15 week old parasite. I am thrilled, we are thrilled. Yes...he/she was "planned", I can't believe how many people have asked us this. Yes we were "trying" (how disgusting, no one wants to hear about that, except for my pilates class, pledge class, friends or co-workers) but I was still shocked...SHOCKED, because after various Dr. experiences I thought it would take forever and intervention.

Here is the cute little parasite, and how this ultrasound came to be is a whole other story of neurotic.

Just kidding, blogger will not load it right now, I will try it again later.


Anonymous June 21, 2010 at 12:33 PM  

It takes being pregnant for you to update your blog? So be it. I'm so happy for you (not in a sarcastic way). I'm sorry you're having all of the "bad" parts of it- my sis was one of those who couldn't tell she was carrying a child except for the huge python bump out front.

Glad you got your ultrasound. :-)

Unknown June 28, 2010 at 7:15 PM  

I hope everything is going well and that your pregnancy symptoms are getting a little better. When you get a chance you should upload a picture of the so called "parasite" so we can all bask in your happiness :)

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