Sunday, March 30, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
i still exist
since i started teaching last week and haven't been around germ factories, aka preschool children, in a very long time i spent the last three days on the couch being sick! i went to work today but it was awful! if i had been a parent picking up my child and saw me i would be p-o-ed that the sick woman was there; but no one else seemed to care!
i still exist, i promise, okay i might not exist til friday but come friday lets do something fun!
Posted by K at 7:32 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
The only thing about flying that is worse than being delayed before you take off is being delayed after you land for 45 minutes.
Posted by Nick at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
"The current financial crisis in the US is likely to be judged in retrospect as the most wrenching since the end of the Second World War. The crisis will leave many casualties."
- Former US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said in remarks published Monday.
Posted by K at 8:00 PM 1 comments
don' t wipe yourself with virgins.............trees!
Every time you blow your nose with Kleenex tissue, you're blowing away an ancient forest. And every time you buy Scott or Cottonelle at the store, you're flushing old growth trees down the toilet.
Most of the pulp Kimberly-Clark uses for its disposable tissue products comes from unsustainable sources. This includes wood from ancient forests like the Canadian Boreal Forest.
As the biggest tissue manufacturer on the planet, Kimberly-Clark has the resources to shift toward sustainability but it is refusing to use recycled paper in its products. Instead, the largest stretch of ancient forest in North America is being clearcut for disposable paper products.
if you are my friend please do not buy/support Kimberly-Clark products! if I am at your house and am forced to clean myself with a virgin tree I will lecture you until your ears bleed, heed this as your warning!
i buy Trader Joe's toilet paper it is 100% post consumer recycled product! It is super cheap, as far as "green" products go,and it is nooot that bad people! you may notice a difference the first few days but isn't having trees left for your children to see and clean air to breathe worth it!
i have tried thus far to not post any of my environmental rants but i could not resist, knowing that some of you are flushing away our forests, i wasn't going to say it but....the last time i was at the maceys they had scott TP....i'm just saying...! my next rant will be about "greenwashing" and how infuriating it is to me!
Posted by K at 7:23 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
dream house
dream living room once developmentally appropriate lead free toys are thrown around by our 2.5 perfect children
our outdoor space where are chocolate lab charlie, newfoundland buster and jack russel gordon will sleep
my dream of all dreams, the duet steam washer set
where we will dream
dream bathroom, you can't see it but our water conscious sauna/steam shower is behind you!
Posted by K at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
7 months..7 things
in honor of our 7 month wedding anniversary; here are 7 things I didn't know about Nick before we got married (aka things he was hiding....jk...sorta)
1. His sleeping habits; he sleeps with his eyes open, has a large array of snores and can not fall asleep with the tv on or any sort of light at all!
2. He will eat the same thing everyday for weeks and then never want it again, my grocery shopping has to stay on top of his current fav and I always have some left once he has switched to his new obsession
3. he hates shopping around! he rather pay three times more for something if it means he doesn't have to keep looking
4. he loves living with a girl because I "make" him do things like wear face masks and wax things
5. he is unbelievably motivated and never gives up no matter how hard it is...(i sort of knew that already because i made him chase me very, very hard)
6. he never lets a fight sit and stew, even when all i want to do is be alone and mad he makes sure we work it out right that second! aka he doesn't let me be dramatic
and 7. get your gag reflex in check...that I could love him anymore then I did on our wedding day!!
to celebrate while he is away i wrote him a poem to send to him while he was in a work meeting, i will share it with you now:
You are my mister
i love you like a sister
but more because I do not kiss my sister
that is all for you my mister
Posted by K at 4:14 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
speed scrabble anyone?
there is a post on ebay for 200 scrabble tiles, the bidding is up to $15.50. If Nick sees this he will for sure buy it, he once bought a box of a thousand random mismatched pens on ebay!
Posted by K at 2:50 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
As a fully recovered vegetarian I must say these BLT cups look amazing! Someone please volunteer to come to dinner this weekend so I can make these! I will make them anyway but its probably better that Nick and I share the saturated fat with friends!
Posted by K at 4:44 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Leaked SATC extended trailer!
Sex and the City
could i be more pathetically excited for this movie?
or for the premiere of the Real New York Housewives tonight...or Project Runway Finale tomorrow night?
oh the little things of a housewife's life!
Posted by K at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
this video hits home, and makes me very scared to raise a girl in this society!
Posted by K at 5:25 PM 1 comments
this week on..
my goals for this week:
-find the job of my dreams
*a job that consists of saving the worlds forests, clean water and air, ending hunger, and educating differently-abled children all while watching bravo, drinking diet dr. pepper and sewing does not least find a job that doesn't make me want to accidentally be hit by a bus on the way there
-go to yoga 3 times
-work out at least twice
-be social
-not shop every day that nick is away
-make myself something for dinner besides tofu nuggs
-keep my new plant alive
-give deceased plants a proper ride down the garbage shoot
-make baby gifts
Posted by K at 12:50 PM 2 comments