Tuesday, March 11, 2008

7 months..7 things

in honor of our 7 month wedding anniversary; here are 7 things I didn't know about Nick before we got married (aka things he was hiding....jk...sorta)

1. His sleeping habits; he sleeps with his eyes open, has a large array of snores and can not fall asleep with the tv on or any sort of light at all!
2. He will eat the same thing everyday for weeks and then never want it again, my grocery shopping has to stay on top of his current fav and I always have some left once he has switched to his new obsession
3. he hates shopping around! he rather pay three times more for something if it means he doesn't have to keep looking
4. he loves living with a girl because I "make" him do things like wear face masks and wax things
5. he is unbelievably motivated and never gives up no matter how hard it is...(i sort of knew that already because i made him chase me very, very hard)
6. he never lets a fight sit and stew, even when all i want to do is be alone and mad he makes sure we work it out right that second! aka he doesn't let me be dramatic
and 7. get your gag reflex in check...that I could love him anymore then I did on our wedding day!!

to celebrate while he is away i wrote him a poem to send to him while he was in a work meeting, i will share it with you now:

You are my mister
i love you like a sister
but more because I do not kiss my sister
that is all for you my mister


Nick March 12, 2008 at 10:19 PM  

thanks baby i love you! happy 7 months and 1 day!

Alex March 13, 2008 at 7:58 PM  

Nice poem Kristin. I like it. I hear you got the job. Congrats!

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