Tuesday, March 18, 2008

don' t wipe yourself with virgins.............trees!

Every time you blow your nose with Kleenex tissue, you're blowing away an ancient forest. And every time you buy Scott or Cottonelle at the store, you're flushing old growth trees down the toilet.

Most of the pulp Kimberly-Clark uses for its disposable tissue products comes from unsustainable sources. This includes wood from ancient forests like the Canadian Boreal Forest.

As the biggest tissue manufacturer on the planet, Kimberly-Clark has the resources to shift toward sustainability but it is refusing to use recycled paper in its products. Instead, the largest stretch of ancient forest in North America is being clearcut for disposable paper products.

if you are my friend please do not buy/support Kimberly-Clark products! if I am at your house and am forced to clean myself with a virgin tree I will lecture you until your ears bleed, heed this as your warning!

i buy Trader Joe's toilet paper it is 100% post consumer recycled product! It is super cheap, as far as "green" products go,and it is nooot that bad people! you may notice a difference the first few days but isn't having trees left for your children to see and clean air to breathe worth it!

i have tried thus far to not post any of my environmental rants but i could not resist, knowing that some of you are flushing away our forests, i wasn't going to say it but....the last time i was at the maceys they had scott TP....i'm just saying...! my next rant will be about "greenwashing" and how infuriating it is to me!


Nasta G August 8, 2008 at 9:10 PM  

Next time B.Y.O.T, Hippie.

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