Sunday, January 18, 2009


Forgive me every system of my body for I have sinned and thus harmed you! **I didn't eat the crusts and Nick did have 3 pieces!** And like any addict I have excuses I didn't feel like making dinner...something that I have been upset about and praying about for months came to some sort of head and not a favorable one.... and i miss Quartino pizza! I pinky promised Nick and myself and now the blogosphere that I will not mess up again before Africa, I want to feel the best I can!

p.s. some preschool children may not have a phonics, math or spanish teacher tomorrow


Lexi January 19, 2009 at 7:01 PM  

Okay the best pizza ever in the world, that coincidentally we can eat is called Marcellos. NEVER DO THIS AGAIN!!!!! Marcellos is better that what you can get other places, it's gourmet-a-rific. They have a gluten-free crust you can put with any pizza. or 312-654-2550. I thought you were handling this so well and I was amazed, but you are human just like all newbies which is so much less confusing. I hope you feel better. I will find time ASAP to make this whole thing easier. We will have you over for a cooking/eating session full of gluten free wonders.

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