Monday, December 1, 2008


Today makes a week since I had pieces cut from my stomach and duodenum and several biopsies taken from my colon and I am finally feeling a little better! I can eat a normal amount again, I am just a little hesitant about my choices and scared to drink my nightly herbal tea! Thanksgiving was no wise! The doctor told me the day of what it was (or looked like) and I have tried not to google it too many times and diagnose myself, so now we are just waiting to hear the test results! Please pray with me that it is something easy to treat and FIX and not a life long condition! I am very sick and tired of being sick and tired and want to have my life back! I want to make plans and not have to always cancel them because I have a horrible headache or am in the bathroom! My (our) list of things to do before we start to try and have children is very short; get me healthy, go to Africa, have a savings account in the upper five digits! The tickets to Africa are bought and now we just need to get me better and then save and save some more!


Kris Tina December 1, 2008 at 9:50 PM  

Oh no! I'm so so so sorry to hear about this. We will be thinking and praying for you around the clock. We hope you feel better soon. Very soon!

Molly December 1, 2008 at 10:53 PM  

Stomach issues are NO fun. I am battling a mystery ailment myself. Next step is all of that biopsy stuff which makes me a little nervous.

So, thanks for the compliment... I got my cute hat at the GAP last season. I have seen some pretty cute ones on etsy though.

Hey ask Nick about the time he tried to swing on a vine (like Tarzan) in Costa Rica and slipped down it and hit the ground really hard LOL.... so funny.

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